What is Fiverr Gig SEO and How to do Fiverr gig SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization; it’s the process of improving a site/page to make it more discoverable in search.
On fiverr; whenever a buyer is searching for a fiverr gig in fiverr search; they are searching within a search engine.
By implementing good fiverr gig SEO you’re giving your fiverr gigs a fighting chance to rank highly in fiverr search.
Simply put; if your gigs are ranking higher in search; they are going to get noticed by more buyers.
Gigs that get noticed by more buyers have a higher likelihood of being purchased.
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Happy Freelancing!
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Fiverr: The Beginner Friendly Marketplace (Part-1): https://youtu.be/sKN9iF9wuuU
Freelancing: The Golden opportunity: https://youtu.be/48typccX0HE
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