uppsc PCS 2021 PRE MISCELLANEOUS papa video study for civil services up psc ahc #uppsc #roaro #uppcs

uppsc PCS 2021 PRE MISCELLANEOUS papa video study for civil services up psc ahc #uppsc #roaro #uppcs

विविध सामान्य ज्ञान ( miscellaneous static gk ) for uppcs uppsc up pcs psc ro aro ro/aro ahc ro aro aps . इस वीडियो मे ये सारे TOPICS COVER किए गए हैं 👇

1. Crop diseases, color, variety
2. International Organisations
3. Up ISFR रिपोर्ट
4. India ISFR रिपोर्ट
5. Agriculture Data
6. Mineral Data
7. MSP
8. Census 2011
9. Urbanization
10. 20th Live Stock Census
11. Census 2021
12. ODOP
13. Energy Statistics 2021

0:00 intro
3:00 census 2011
3:10 census of india
3:20 census of india 2011
3:30 bharat ki janganana 2011
35:40 latest mineral data 2021
35:50 mineral production in india state wise 2021
50:00 agriculture production data 2021
50:10 latest agriculture data of india
64:00 international organisations and their headquarters 2021

सबसे पहले telegram को google playstore से install करिए 👉 https://youtu.be/rIYrCS7Yrj0
फिर नीचे दी गई सभी लिंक को TELEGRAM से OPEN करिए
ये फ्री टेलीग्राम जरूर follow करते रहना 👇
free TELEGRAM - https://t.me/studyforcivilservices ( इसको JOIN करके 1 AUGUST 2021 के बाद की सारी PICS देख लेना MEDIA SECTION में जाकर देख लेना )
uppsc uppcs 24 October 2021 pre quick playlist by gyan studyforcivilservices =
Last 10 to 15 Days Plan for UPPCS 2021 | Revision Strategy to Crack UP PCS 2021| UPPSC PRE PREPARATION = https://youtu.be/Illt-7tmb1c
ye kuchh most important topics hai inke short videos ye diye hain inko jaroor dekh lena 👇
current affairs for uppcs pre 2021 papa = https://youtu.be/dL5mua0ldX8
Up budget 2021-22 papa = https://youtu.be/NVHNwsaHKZ8
agriculture production ranking data 2021 = https://youtu.be/YuYneaXDc-M
mineral data study for civil services = https://youtu.be/i05dFlXy8QA
energy latest data = https://youtu.be/NX6dOFXVBfM
Hindi medium up gk papa video = https://youtu.be/9YK5IdZ1DTQ
ENGLISH MEDIUM UP GK PAPA VIDEO = https://youtu.be/Sey6KaeBYG0
up current affairs hindi medium papa video = https://youtu.be/7D2khjr41II
up current affairs english medium papa video =
census of india 2011 short & most imp final data = https://youtu.be/jNHbQ6WOPvI
up census of uttar pradesh 2011 final data = https://youtu.be/chaO_bR37rU

baki sare video upar di hui quick playlist me update karte rahenge , aap log dekhte jaiyega

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is video me ye topics bataye gaye hain
#uppcsprelims #uppscprelims

last 10 days me kya strategy honi chahiye ?
most important topics for prelims kaun kaun se hain ?
papa pic kahan se dekhni hain ?

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#uppcs2021strategy #uppcs2021currentaffair
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gyan prakash mishra whatsapp 7838692618
#studyforcivilservices #gyanprakashmishra

FB = https://www.facebook.com/scsgyan/
instagram ( scsgyan) - https://www.instagram.com/scsgyan
TWITTER - https://twitter.com/scsgyan1 ( whatsapp = 7838692618 )
gyan prakash mishra = https://www.youtube.com/user/gyanrakeshmishra1

next video me batayenge 👇
uppcs uppsc 2021 me kitni posts hain ?
uppcs me kitne post hote hai
uppcs 2021 expected cut off kitne ja sakta hai up pcs 2021 cut off kitne number tak ho sakta hai ?

miscellaneousmiscellaneous papa video study for civil services 2021miscellaneous papa video

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