DukeCoin | Pre-Sale | Feature of Dukecoin Potential listing Exchange

DukeCoin | Pre-Sale | Feature of Dukecoin Potential listing Exchange

DukeCoin(DKC) Smartchain is a completely new type of technology. In the form of a multipurpose ecosystem, it revolutionizes concepts of blockchain with the help of collaborative artificial intelligence to bridge the gaps in effective management and implementation.

#Dukecoin's Special Ganesh chaturthi offer 35% off.
Actual Price 1DKC = Rs 2.95 ×
Offer price 1DKC = Rs 1.90 ✔
Offer valid only on 10th and 11th Sep 2021.
Referal link


Official website www.dukecoin.co

🎁 Referral program πŸ‘‡

Sign-up bonus - 5 DKC
Per referral - 3 DKC

Social media handles

Twitter https://twitter.com/Dukecoin2?s=08
Telegram Channel https://t.me/dukecoin

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BSC contract Add
white paper https://dukecoin.co/img/DUKECOINwhitepaper12.pdf

Social Media link
TG Telegramchannel link https://t.me/everythingajay
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Disclaimer: Cryptocurrencies are a high risk investment and may not be suitable for all members of the public and all types of investor. You should not purchase cryptocurrency unless you understand the extent of your exposure to potential loss. We are only providing information for educational purpose only and no financial advice. One should know and study properly before investing into cryptocurrencies

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