Fear...for things are not always as they seem by Pastor Joseph Valcarcel

Fear...for things are not always as they seem by Pastor Joseph Valcarcel

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Website Links
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If you are in need of prayer text: (909) 686-1708
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La Roca En Vivo: https://envivo.iglesiaroca.com/
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Youtube Links
Rock Church: https://youtube.com/user/trcmediadept
Iglesia La Roca: https://youtube.com/c/IglesiaLaRocaSB
Women Rock: https://youtube.com/c/WomenRock
Youth: https://youtube.com/c/RockYouthTube
Children: https://youtube.com/c/RockChurchKidMin/videos

Facebook Links
Rock Church: https://facebook.com/rockchurchlive/
Iglesia La Roca: https://facebook.com/IglesiaLaRocaSB/
Women Rock: https://facebook.com/RockWomen/
Youth: https://facebook.com/therockyouth/
Children: https://facebook.com/PlanetRockCM/

Host Info

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Online Hosting
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Thank you for your Tithe
​Post in the message at Tithes and offerings: Thank you all for being faithful to your tithe. #Cantstoptherock

Thank you for joining us
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The Rock Church is committed to all your educational needs. To learn more about our KidzRock Preschool, Rock Christian School K-12 or Rock Bible College please visit: https://rockchurch.com/resources/education


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