Are you Ready? It's Showtime! (FNF Artificial Lust but it's an Amor and CJ Cover)

Are you Ready? It's Showtime! (FNF Artificial Lust but it's an Amor and CJ Cover)

In this Friday Night Funkin video you'll see @AmorAltra and CJ & Ruby singing Artificial Lust song from Starlight Mayhem Mod. It's showtime!

Mods used:
VS. Bob & Bosip -
Starlight Mayhem VS CJ -

Support the developers of Friday Night Funkin'

Not a FNF Artificial Lust But Everyone Sings It or Artificial Lust but Every Turn a Different Cover is Used, or any other video like that. This is FNF but Amor and CJ sing it.

This cover was made with FL Studio

#FNF #FridayNightFunkin #Artificial

friday night funkinfnffriday night funkin mods

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