RimWorld Lord of the Rims - Ep1 - A New Home

RimWorld Lord of the Rims - Ep1 - A New Home

Let's Play RimWorld Lord of the Rims - We go through the world generation and character selection for our lord of the rims modded playthough. We look at our starting spot that our band of dwarves will make their home.

► Subscribe Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/Kolrolf?sub_confirmation=1

► Season 2 is a RimWorld 1.0 modded playthrough on Randy Random savage difficulty. The theme is lord of the rims dwarves wanting to start a new kingdom in the mountains. We will tame this wild land and build a stronghold that will last for generations and bards will sing songs of our mighty deeds!

► RimWorld Lord of the Rims Mod List: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1656236501

► RimWorld is western-flavoured sci fi colony simulation game where in game events are directed by an intelligent AI storyteller.
► RimWorld - Season 2 Playlist: https://youtu.be/RsweHqIOMkI

► Get RimWorld direct from the studio https://rimworldgame.com/ or on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/294100/RimWorld/

► Intro and Outro by TeknoAXE
Song: Life as a Sprite

New to the channel? I make Let's Play videos and play with a strong ethical play focus. I like to role play a lot too, which means it's not about min/maxing, it's about sticking to your characters motivations and dealing with the extra challenge.

kolrolfrimworld lord of the rimsrimworld 1.0 lord of the rims

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