Republicans Tout Homeland Security Chief's Successes While Calling For His Impeachment

Republicans Tout Homeland Security Chief's Successes While Calling For His Impeachment

Republicans are certainly sending mixed signals these days. During a recent press conference, Republicans boasted about how many drugs had been seized at the border, how many undocumented immigrants had been apprehended, and how many criminals had been caught - all by the Department of Homeland Security. Then, in the very next breath, they called for the impeachment of Homeland Security Chief Alejandro Mayorkas. This makes absolutely no sense, as Farron Cousins explains.

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Well, folks, it isn't just Joe Biden that has to worry about being impeached by the incoming Republican House majority. Uh, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is also somebody that is squarely in the sights of the House Republicans looking for an impeachment. Now, the reason they're going after May orcas is because as the Department of Homeland Security Chief, he gets to oversee the, uh, customs and Border Patrol, you know, ice, all of that. It's in his department. And so, because of course we have this totally open border where millions and millions of migrants have come through this year alone, according to Lauren Bobert, that's actually not true at all by the way, but she did say that. Um, and we have just drugs flowing across like the, like a river, um, which is also not true. He's gotta go. So recently Republicans in the house held to press conference where multiple idiots got up there to speak, and in making the case for the impeachment of Mayor Orcas, they ended up praising him for doing such an amazing job.

It truly was a sight to behold. They're trying to say how bad he is by talking about all of the amazing things he is done. Here is what happened. First you had Republican representative, Andy Bigs, and Andy Bigs said this his con his conduct is not incompetent, it's not negligent, it's willful and intentional. And he then noted that Border Patrol agents had apprehended 4 million undocumented people under Secretary Mayorkas leadership. Uh, he also praised them accidentally. He didn't mean to praise them, but he also praised them for apprehending 100 individuals on the, uh, terrorist watch list. So he was like, this guy is intentionally not doing anything other than, you know, grabbing 4 million people and, uh, apprehending a hundred people on the terrorist watch list, which is kick. But you know, other than that guys a real piece of, right?

Republican representative Brian Babin from Texas, um, he, in addition to calling for Mayors' impeachment, uh, talked about the fact that at the time the Department of Homeland Security had, uh, detailed 16,000 people just in the last 48 hours. That, that sounds pretty remarkable. Sounds like they're, uh, being pretty efficient, right? They're catching the people coming across. They're they're processing them, they're getting them outta here, which is what you Republicans want, right? You want everybody out. I'm not saying it's a good thing. That's what they want. So once again, another Republican got up there, Brian Babin this time, said, we gotta impeach him because of all the good things he's done for us. Then, then you

Get Lauren Bobert, Bobert takes the cake here. Bobert is the one who claimed that millions and millions of people are crossing that border every single year. She announced that they had a secure border when Donald Trump was the president. And then she said on May or Ortiz's watch over 14,000 pounds of fe Annel was seized in fiscal year 2022 at our southern border. That is an all-time record high. So, so do, do, do we not want them to, to seize the fentanyl? Do we want the fentanyl to go out to the street? I don't understand what your issue is here, Lauren. You're like, this is a record high. We've never seized this many drugs.

So it's, it's working, right? Whate, whatever it is that Alejandro Mayorkas is doing is, is working, right? We're we're getting the people coming here illegally. We're stopping the flow of illegal drugs. So I don't understand what your beef is with this individual, and neither do you. That's, that's the part that matters. Neither do you. Now, none of this matters because Republicans in the house, you only have to have a simple majority to impeach. Clearly it's never gonna pass the Senate, but these are the talking points they're gonna use. They're gonna praise the hell out of the guy and then move forward with an impeachment because they're just all that stupid.

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