From a student with a full time job, to a full time trader with a part time job !
Every few months Dominion Markets hosts a LeaderBoard challenge. Aman here has won two challenges in a row. The previous challenge lasted for 2 months and he gained over 200% with 18% drawdown !!
The fun thing is, the challenges have an minimum entry of $200 account which you have to trade. Here the winner won a $20,000 account ! You can follow his new account on the Dominion Markets PAMM leaderboard : 6211531
00:00 Introduction
01:06 PAMM account
01:42 Entries for low drawdown
02:23 Winning the leaderboard challenges TWICE !
02:56 When trading journey started
04:33 Experience on Dominion Markets
07:00 Strategy for low drawdowns
10:34 Criteria for entry
13:30 Webinars that helped
14:00 How a big account has changed the mindset
16:14 Training the mind to percentage gain rather than $$
19:00 Account on the leaderboard
20:20 Being an inspiration to new traders
21:13 Advice for traders
23:54 Making 1 month of bills in one week !
25:10 If you really WANT it, you will go out of your way to get it !
Funding Program with Guaranteed Salary option:
Broker I use:
Dominion Markets https://www.dominionmarkets.com/
Other Trusted broker:
Traders Domain: https://my.thetradersdomain.com
instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rajabanks/ (RajaBanks)
MT5/MT4/cTrader Risk management tool
Instagram: @magickeys.trade
info: info@marketfluidity.com