Many philosophers hold that logic is normative: logic tells us how we ought to reason. This video outlines some arguments for the normativity of logic.
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0:00 - Introduction
3:41 - Normative consequences
10:44 - Error
17:55 - Demarcation
22:07 - Pluralism
33:52 - Logic vs the norms of belief?
-- Haack, Susan. (1996). Deviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
-- Harman, Gilbert. (1986). Change in View. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
-- Labukt, Ivar. (2021). "Is logic distinctively normative?" Erkenntnis 86: 1025-1043.
-- Quine, W. V. O. (1951). "Two dogmas of empiricism." Philosophical Review 60(1): 20-43.
-- Russell, Gillian. (2020). "Logic isn't normative." Inquiry 63(3-4): 371-388.
-- Williamson, Timothy. (2013). Modal Logic as Metaphysics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.