Nearly Half The Nation Cuts Back Spending On Food: Prepare Your Self For Planned Starvation

Nearly Half The Nation Cuts Back Spending On Food: Prepare Your Self For Planned Starvation

Massive lines are forming at food banks all around the country, the number of layoffs and job losses is going through the roof as hundreds of thousands of businesses are right on the brink of going under. At the same time, a housing crash that is set to be even worse than what we’ve witnessed during the previous bubble burst is officially here, but prices continue unaffordable for the vast majority of the population. Consequently, large numbers of Americans are actually moving into sheds in a desperate attempt to save money. The cost of everything has climbed so high that about half of U.S. consumers are having to cut back on spending on food to be able to make ends meet. The current economic downturn is in the very early stages, but the economic suffering that is already emerging all over the nation is truly frightening. If people are struggling this much now, what will conditions be like six months down the road?
If you’re having to cut back spending on groceries and gasoline lately, you’re definitely not alone. A new survey conducted by Suffolk University in partnership with USA Today found that nearly 50% of Americans are in the same boat. The cost of essentials is rising much faster than official numbers show. For example, food prices jumped by 12.6% over the past 12 months, over 4 percentage points higher than the official inflation rate. Energy costs have also shot up, rising a shocking 41.6% in the last year, with gasoline prices leading the surge, going up 59.9%, the researchers reported. 
Our standard of living is being eviscerated by inflation, and large swathes of the population are already deeply hurting. When people start to experience severe financial insecurity, they tend to become desperate. And desperate times lead to desperate measures. Authorities are reporting an alarming rise in shoplifting happening all around the country, and food and other essentials have become the main targets. In New York City, things are getting so out of hand that some stores are now putting canned goods and other ready-to-eat items in theft-proof cases.  
Another very worrying sign is the extremely long lines that we are seeing again at food banks all around the U.S. A new ZeroHedge report exposed that at the moment, food banks from coast to coast are experiencing “record high demand and record low supply.” That’s why we really hope that you are getting prepared for the very difficult times that are ahead because there will be a limit to what charities are able to do for the overall population. The best option would be to stock dry and canned goods with a long shelf life now while they are still available at local supermarkets and prepare for the cold season when demand for food will soar even higher. Even those who are experiencing financial distress can utilize pantries to stock supplies for the months ahead if they plan carefully. In a few months, those same pantries may not exist anymore, so now is the time to act.    
But of course, the rich and the political class continue to insist that everything is under control. Believe it or not, the definition of the word “recession” on Wikipedia was just changed to reflect the narrative of the federal government, and it has been locked to prevent any additional editing. They really want to convince us that the wild price fluctuations we’re seeing are not real, or at least, not such a big problem. But these silencing measures never work because people can tell when things are going south, and by now, the vast majority of Americans know we are in a recession.  Sadly, the distortions we’ve seen so far are just a hint of the disaster that is coming. 

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