(9/19/22) A bit of distraction to start the morning with all eyes on the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II; the next meeting of the FOMC is on Wednesday, with expectations for a 75-basis point rate increase already "baked into the cake;" there is concern the Fed could go for a 1% rate hike. Goldman is predicting rates at 4 to 4.25% by the end of the year--hopefully the point at which the Fed will halt rate increases. The Stock Buy-back Blackout period is about to commence, and that activity has made up about 40% of Markets' total return since 2011. Federal Express's earnings miss was accompanied by a negative outlook; the Fred Smith Story; when will Amazon be pre-Prime? Is year-over-year portfolio performance comparison a long-enough perspective/
0:00 - Navigating with The Fed (using lagging data)
[NOTE: The video starts late into the first segment; a complete audio recording can be found on our SoundCloud channel here: https://soundcloud.com/user-949311744/sets/full-show?si=e990e40a35be4b0cba73ec8f40955be1&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing]
9:00 - Why Stock Buy-backs are NOT a Return of Capital to Investors
24:58 - FedEx Fallout
39:04 - Gauging Performance w Proper Perspective
Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO
Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer
Our Latest "Three Minutes on Markets & Money: What Happens When Buy-backs Go Away" is here:
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"How High Will Fed Rates Need to Go?"
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