A surveillance video shows from a detention center shows Elkhart police officer Cory Newland in Elkhart, Indiana beating incarcerated Mario Guerrero Ledesma, who was handcuffed to a chair. Ledesma was carried out on a stretcher for his injuries. Dr. Rashad Richey and Sen. Nina Turner discuss on Indisputable. Tell us what you think in the comments below.
Read more here: https://www.propublica.org/article/elkhart-indiana-police-beating-newland-guilty
"A police officer in Elkhart, Indiana, who was seen repeatedly punching a handcuffed man in a 2018 video obtained by the South Bend Tribune and ProPublica pleaded guilty in a federal civil rights case last week.
The plea agreement calls for Cory Newland to be sentenced to 15 months in prison for his role in the incident, in which he and fellow officer Joshua Titus were seen on a security camera video beating Mario Guerrero Ledesma while the man was handcuffed to a chair in a detention area at the city police station."
Indisputable, features Dr. Richey talking about the top news stories of the day, reading viewer comments, and engaging in debates and conversations with guests.
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