This is ARK: Survival Evolved
This series is inspired by LukeTheNotable and Zany Zebra.
#ArkSurvivalEvolved #Ark100Days #HardcoreGenesisPart2
A game focused on surviving an artificial world of dinosaurs and mystical bosses. I attempt to take on one of ARK's Hardest DLCs, that brought us HLN-A for the first time and an In-game purchase system. I am tasked with completing all 3 difficulty tiers of Genesis Part 2 missions, taming up 10 new creatues and lastly putting a end to Alpha Rockwell, well Syzen the Terrible
This 100 Day is unlike any others as I am faced with additional characters and stories that may alter or help my course to complete this journey. If you would like to feature in a future video be sure to be in the discord.
π€Join the discord https://discord.gg/dK6w9m5M27
The storyline throughout this video took hours to produce, many takes and collaboration sessions so please go show some support to the featured creators:
Doctor Newman - @NeddyTheNoodle
Engineer McDonald - @Veno
The Baker - @Dread
Sir Gunther III - @ILegend
Commander Axe - @The AxeMan
The Emperor - @iSyzen
Bodydoubles (Creators)
@Jaco the Traveler
@September Duck
@Captain Reptile
Thumbnail by Veno
Server Settings:
Experience x1
Harvesting x3
Resource Gathering x1
Maximum Difficulty ON
Mod list:
ARK Additions: The Collection!
Additional Creatures 2: Paranoia!
Additional Creatures 2: Wild Ark
Prehistoric Beasts
Domination Rex
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00:00 - Intro
01:05 - Day 1-10 - Starting Out
10:53 - Guest Feature @NeddyTheNoodle
14:42 - Day 11-26 - Going into Hiding
25:18 - Day 27 - Goons First stand-off
27:38 - Guest Feature @Veno
30:05 - Day 28-39 - Taming an Army
38:24 - Day 40-49 - Hunting missions
46:33 - Guest Feature @Dread
48:56 - Day 50-59 - Knock-out missions
53:41 - Day 60-69 - Survival & Gauntlet missions
58:57 - Guest Feature @ILegend
1:00:55 - Day 70-75 - Venture to the Corrupted side
1:05:09 - Guest Feature @The AxeMan
1:06:36 - Day 76-95 - Final mission Grind
1:21:55 - Guest Feature (Unknown)
1:23:59 - Day 96-98 - Final prep work
1:26:01 - Day 99 - Final goon stand-off
1:27:53 - Guest Feature @iSyzen
1:32:04 - Outro
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