The Fragile Future of Israel's Peace Accords
1. The Abraham Accords,
2. The Peace Pact between Israel and Egypt,
3. The Peace Pact between Israel and Jordan.
Hon. Sam Rohrer of the American Pastors Network interviews Bill Salus about the prophetic futures of Israel's peace pacts. He also asks Bill to summarize the end time events on the Last Days Timeline. This powerful radio show has four segments, which are summarized below.
After the show Sam Rohrer texted the following comments to Bill.
"Praise the Lord!!! What a powerful presentation Bill. It brought tears to my eyes. That's probably the best succinct presentation of chronology of the end times I think I've ever heard. Thank you."
Segment #1 - Bill explains that that Morocco and Sudan will violate the Abraham Accords and invade Israel with Russia, Turkey, Iran and others in the Ezekiel 38 prophecy.
Segment #2 - Bill Explains how Israel's peace treaty with Egypt will collapse in the first of two judgments upon Egypt. He also reveals both of Egypt's future judgments. Egypt will ultimately experience 40 years of desolation and Egyptians will be dispersed throughout those 40 years. This desolation and dispersion will overlap into the Millennium.
Segment #3 - Bill shows how Israel's peace agreement with Jordan will be wiped out according to Psalm 83, Jeremiah 49:1-6 and Zephaniah 2:8-9. Bill also explains that Jehovah and Allah are not the same God and when Jordan gets desolated, that Allah will lose is Akbar at the same time.
Segment #4 - Bill summarizes the Last Days 12-Stage Timeline and the provides highlights about the MILLENNIUM and ETERNAL ORDER.
(Presentation edited to fit in the allotted time)
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