Do we NEED supplements in our training for isometrics and out of this world strength gains? Find out here!
Interested in purchasing the Isochain? Get yours here!
Want to support me on Patreon? Your help is greatly appreciated!
Paul Wade's book: The Isometric Manual is a wealth of information on not only the Isochain but also Isometric Training in general! A must read and available on Amazon! Grab yours below!
I've assembled a list of fitness products including Supps, Fitness Gear and more that I've personally used and recommended to clients. Grab them at our NoLimitStore below!
Here on the NoLimitSquad, we focus on the new Isochain product, an Isometric bar and chain device fitness product that as of 2021 we are predicting to take the world by storm a few years from now and will be used by virtually any fitness enthusiast for decades to come!
Contact Me!
Email: nolimitfitnesspt@outlook.com
Instagram: nolimitchrys
Facebook: NoLimit Fitness
TikTok: NoLimitSquad89
Disclaimer: As of 5/15/2021, I am an affiliate of DragonDoor.com and their Isochain product and do receive a small kickback when the above link is used to purchase the Isochain