This channel is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing on this channel is intended to substitute therapy.
The thoughts expressed in videos are my own personal opinion and do not reflect the opinion of any institution I am involved with.
My videos are general and not specific to your unique case.
If you are a current or past client, due to confidentiality/privacy, I cannot engage with you on this platform.
If you are having a mental health crisis, call 911.
My email is only for business inquiries. I cannot provide one-on-one psychological advice to someone who is not my therapy client, and I cannot take clients through Youtube.
Time Stamps:
0:00 The halo effect
2:30 Does beauty buy happiness? It depends
4:21 Gender plays a huge role
9:26 If it stems from objectification, it isn’t privilege
13:58 Real-life applications of these studies
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