This video is a clip from a previous No Limits Society live session. The registration window for No Limits Society opens on the 25th of each month. Join now to get access to the full session and more exclusive teachings like these: https://www.bentinhomassaro.com/nolimitssociety
By breaking down these four elements of experience, Bentinho reveals how we can discover the root of our negative beliefs and shift our vibrational state. In order to make a true shift, we must look beyond our thoughts and feeling states and go to the Causal Body where the core of our ego lives.
Learn more about the 4 Bodies: https://youtu.be/F2kohx5dHqY
8:45 “End the Ego: There's Only One You” https://youtu.be/Ee31Pj3SL7c
No Limits Society is Bentinho’s exclusive training program for those on a mission to ignite global awakening. This is the official “spiritual gym membership” of Bentinho’s most integrated, refined, and interactive teachings to date.
As a No Limits Society member you will be invited to Bentinho’s weekly online training sessions, as well as live access to his exclusive channel in Telegram. This is the single best way to immerse yourself in Bentinho’s teachings at this time.
In NLS you will have opportunities to put yourself to task, show up in creative ways, involve yourself with the team, step up as a leader, get invited to exclusive NLS-only events, and participate in initiatives you would otherwise never know about. You will also discover Bentinho’s leadership first-hand—not just as a speaker delivering content for an audience to consume—but as a leader with a mission and a team under his wing to purify into a streamlined vehicle of service to all.
Find out more and sign up here:
Join Bentinho Massaro's free online Forum, where spiritual seekers go to meet and discuss the teachings further: https://www.bentinhomassaro.com/forum
Bentinho’s teachings contain the essence of all major spiritual paths, but zero in on what works and ignore what does not. If you want the deepest possible realizations, the most comprehensive tools to live a life of true fulfillment, and you'd like to master all this in the shortest amount of time humanly possible, you've come to the right place.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bentinhomassaro — (Recommended)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bentinhomassaro
Facebook community group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/336863633071053
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Bentinhomassaro
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#Spirituality #Enlightenment #Awakening #Meditation #Selfrealization #Consciousness #Empowerment #ThirdEye #LawOfAttraction