((Just wanna say sorry that this build didn’t make it on the week of Slashers along with Jason, Micheal, Leather Face, and Ghost Face Predator build. I have heard your call and he is finally here! Once a nightmare on Elm Street to a Devil in the jungle.))
The Yautja’s (Predators) of old always hunted with honor and respect, there was no higher honor then having their blood taste the blood of their prey. This hunt that ended was like no other with the Hunter over his trophy bench skinning a humans skull. Once placed he had a uneasy feeling but brushed it off ready for the DNA injection, this was a 4 person job with the Hunter laying down and taking the injections of previous prey who had fallen by his hands. The first was that of a Lava Lizard hunted on a planet made of volcanos where it made the skin of the Yautja resistant to any form of heat, the next was DNA from a slender and fast creature that humans have called “The River Ghost” that granted the Yautja unimaginable speed, the next was a pheromone gland that causes hallucinations of the worst kind, finally came the human DNA that came from a Psycho killing people in a small community.
Once the fluids of the human DNA was inserted into the Hunter, he felt difference, he felt as though he was losing his grip on reality. Something changed with the Hunter for he was no longer the one in the operation table, quickly he hacked and slashed the ones inside. Ripping their throats out and smashing their skulls in to the floor. The Hunter looked up at the camera inside the room with his yellow eyes changing from yellow to green, smiling and slightly chuckling. The ship that was about to pull out of Earths orbit began to explode from the inside, roars and insane laughter came from the ship that was on fire as the ship was dive bombing for South America.
Once the ship crash landed, in spread like a sea of a fire inferno. With one Yautja walking out covered in the blood of his family, there he stripped himself of all armor and weapons that he knew or owned. He ripped the skin off of trees, collected the spines of the Clan members and placed them on his back belt, and a melted all the armor and weapons to 3 long spear polls as his wristblades. While he forged his own armor, chuckling lightly while he did so he heard footsteps that where too heavy for humans. Pridefully and cockily the Hunter rises and dared the figure to stand out of the shadows and face him, to which the unknown figure obliged by doing. The figure was tall and very well built, on his hip was a rusty machete and in his hand was a blood stained Axe. Behind the figure where others, almost as if the one with battle axe is the leader and the other where followers as the all had a machete as a way to show their clanship.
The others climbed up the trees surrounding the two, watching and waiting for the show to begin. There the Bloodied Hunter made fun of and insulted the band of new Hunter infront of him. Claiming how easy it would be to kill them all after just killing the strongest in his clan, it only fell upon death ears as the tall figure known as “Slasher” dropped his axe and balled his fists ready to take on the Hunter. The Hunter was obliged to give death to the Slasher and began sprinting towards the tankish brute, driving his long 3 wristblade poles into and piercing the heart of the Slasher. The Hunter began to laugh believing he won, saying how “Not even a Alien could kill the Freddy Krueger” but his laughing began to leave him as the Slasher Predator looked down and slowly began to pull out the wristblade. No longer was the neon blood that filled every Yautja coursed through his veins, but Slashers blood was that of dark green sludge.
The Slasher held the Hunter off the ground and began to slam him on the floor, against a couple of trees and even against the shrapnel of the ship. The Hunter in a last ditch effort took off his mask to spew hallucinogenic toxins at the Slasher to drop the Hunter out of fear, but he only looked on as he began to slam, punch, kick and bash the Hunter to submission. The Hunter asked what the brute wanted from him, knowing of his existence of recruiting bad bloods but for unknown reasons was the word on Yautja Prime. Slasher only replied by showing a old hockey mask and a machete tossed to the Hunter, once connecting the dots the Hunter began to chuckle to himself knowing full well who the Slasher was and only asked what he could help with. Then on the Hunter was known as “Dream Demon” among the Slashers Clan and they trained, hunted, and supplied themselves enough on Earth waiting and bidding their time to return home and create some chaos.
0:00 - 5:00 1…2…Preddy’s Coming For You
5:01 - 17:30 3…4…Better Lock Your Doors
17:31 - 26:54 5…6…Grab Your Crucifix
26:55 - 28:21 7…8…Gonna Stay Up Late
28:22 - 29:30 9…10…NEVER SLEEP AGAIN!