What was Darth Plagueis' Grand Experiment That Conceived Anakin Skywalker?
Darth Plagueis the wise was a master in midi-chlorian manipulation and dark side meditation. Approximately 10 years before the clone wars, Plaguius and his apprentice, Palpatine meditated on the force, pushing it towards the dark side, with this likely being the reason for so many Jedi falling to the dark side during this time. However, his most ambitious Experiment of all was his attempt to create life made exclusively from the dark side, a Sith art that had been lost since the early days of the Sith Order. The force itself would reject these efforts, causing Plagiues to regard the experiment as a failure. However, The force had not simply resisted Plagiues will. To his horror, the force reacted by creating Anakin Skywalker; the chosen one and eventual destroyer of the Sith
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