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You guys hear that? Apparently, this is a tequila bottle that has a bell on it, and every time you hear the bell, (bell ringing) you gotta take a shot.
Right now, why don't we all take a shot of kombucha or something? I don't actually drink, but this tequila bottle was left at my front door, when I bought this house.
I didn't have a real estate agent representing me, 'cause I bought this house off-market. I'm in Austin, Texas now, and the rental market and the housing market here is insane.
But somebody, or the real estate agent that was actually representing the other person, selling me this house, left this at my front door with a note on it.
And it was a very nice gesture of her, and it was something she didn't have to do, and apparently it was a couple hundred dollar bottle of tequila.
I posted on Instagram, and many of you guys knew what it is. I think it's a cool decoration more than anything else. However, that one gesture that she made, where she kind of in a way went above and beyond, She had no attachment, she was just giving me the thing of tequila.
Maybe there is a little bit of like, you know, when you give something, then you know, if there's a business card in there, then if I need anything, I'll reach out to her. But it was something that was given without attachment.
And this comes from one of the most powerful, abundance secrets that I've ever learned.
I'm going to share that with you. And it has to do with going the extra mile.
Now let me show you how this may play out for her because she did that one little gesture. What may happen is the same thing that happened in Sedona.
I moved to Sedona about a year and a half ago. And when I moved to Sedona, I bought a house. When I bought a house, I then had three or four other friends move to Sedona.
And that one real estate agent that sold me the house, not only made $50,000 of commission off the house that she sold me, but she also made another, she sold another house for 800,000. She sold another house for 500,000. She sold another house for 800,000. She ended up making probably $200,000 of commission just from meeting me because also I just have a lot of, you know, there's a lot of people that were also being driven to move to Sedona.
It worked out really, really well for her. Now in a similar vein, this person, who's awesome, Her name is Victoria. She's an awesome real estate agent. She got that thing for me.
There's potential for her over the next couple of years to have the same level of like influx coming in because I moved, I moved to Austin. I have a lot of friends moving here. Eventually I will probably buy another house in a year, Because I'll be Airbnb-ing this one.
And there's like all this abundance that will most likely flow towards her because of that one bottle of tequila that she got me, even though I don't drink, it was a very nice gesture. And it's an example of something that's called going the extra mile, which is from the book, Think and Grow Rich.
Now understand this too about abundance. What you put out is what you get back. But when you go above and beyond you open up new opportunities for yourself.
I used to do this small little thing, and I'm going to share with you in this video,
the Seven Abundance Secrets that have completely revolutionized my own level of abundance, where I've become what you could call a spiritual millionaire.
I know the idea of millionaire is kind of a funny thing to say, but it's true, and every one of you has the ability to do that, if you take these principles on, and you start to live by them.
But the first one I wanted to share is going the extra mile because it was in the book Think and Grow Rich. But it sounds kind of like, it's like the golden rule and it's kind of over-hyped up, but there's a new way of understanding money that will completely change your life.