People Who Suffer from Depression || Derekh (November 2021) || Catholic Focus

People Who Suffer from Depression || Derekh (November 2021) || Catholic Focus

Prayer of St. Ignatius Loyola - prayer against depression:
O Christ Jesus, when all is darkness and we feel our weakness and helplessness, give us the sense of Your presence, Your love, and Your strength. Help us to have perfect trust in Your protecting love and strengthening power, so that nothing may frighten or worry us, for, living close to You, we shall see Your hand, Your purpose, Your will through all things. Amen

Derekh, means 'Way' in the Hebrew language. This video series intends to help the faithful to have a right reflection on the Prayer intention of the Holy Father, Pope Francis. Let us join Pope Francis in prayer. Fr. Franklin Joseph, the PRO, and director of Kalyan Media Cell host this video series.

#Derekh​ #PopeFrancis​ #Prayer​ #life​ #faith​ #Depression


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