This is an insane New World gold farm in Reekwater. You can make some really fast New World money using this route that I show you.
See also:
Fastest way to level each crafting: https://youtu.be/_KjizojDcfk
Crafting XP getting nerfed HARD: https://youtu.be/vN_oq0QKM9I
1.05 armoring xp cheat: https://youtu.be/aprwo4eIbwU
1.05 MASSIVE pvp meta shift: https://youtu.be/ie4cJh-SGNs
Weavers fen gemstone money farm: https://youtu.be/2lHaVBCZV8Y
Legendary Tuning Orb farming route: https://youtu.be/FFeSROvdTvI
INSANE reekwater money route: https://youtu.be/qtR5jUGxlzo
13k/hour skinning spot: https://youtu.be/tKcMapHD1iA
CRAZY brightwood money route: https://youtu.be/4i6sjaaM6UU
BEST ironwood farming route: https://youtu.be/j7J0KzrVH_E
Edengrove legendary skinning spot: https://youtu.be/basIj1oDpm4
ebonscale money farming route: https://youtu.be/arxkrhBX6QA
Ultimate azoth guide: https://youtu.be/7EkbDtWJBDs
3 fast ways to make money: https://youtu.be/kM9tccfdsH4
Ultimate money guide: https://youtu.be/zgOdWJBthlo
Gear score exploit: https://youtu.be/eOahialQJUg
How to get 600 gear score: https://youtu.be/xRx4rtbkibk
Housing guide: https://youtu.be/KMJoPsFr-EU
Furnishing guide: https://youtu.be/SihytGcAMh8
Skinning cheat: https://youtu.be/tjZs9pw2Vpk
Engineering cheat: https://youtu.be/y0ay6ejqbWs
Max level in 3 days video: https://youtu.be/1HbwP0GmpTY
best and worst job board mission: https://youtu.be/d9rExC7QkA0
Weaponsmithing guide: https://youtu.be/HGbcXRns5gc
Armoring Guide: https://youtu.be/w71EaXz8pkY
Engineering guide: https://youtu.be/MTSkkw3zKSE
Jewelcrafting guide: https://youtu.be/3wkUD6U4_Qg
Arcana guide: https://youtu.be/qUnuGO7YrJo
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/videogamedatabank
Discord: https://discord.gg/SBQsaQzyM2
This is an epic way to make fast gold in New World. It's not a New World money cheat, exploit, or glitch, but an amazing farming route that you can use to make easy New World coins fast.
You'll be making crazy New World coins and you don't even need very high harvesting professions to do it. Hopefully this will help you to get rich in New World.