I can’t with how cute she is 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Sorry for the radio silence the last few days! A few of you have asked, and don’t worry - Billi is doing just fine! ⠀
I unfortunately was in an accident, got hit by a car while riding my bicycle. I’m ok overall, just some bumps and bruises and maybe some joint issues, imaging pending (PSA - wear a helmet! it saved my life/mental faculties). Billi really enjoyed the extra time in bed trying to steal food 😹
Billi is a female domestic shorthair, she's 13 years old, her favorite word is mad.
Inspiration for learning to “speak” with buttons from Hunger4Words (check her out on IG).
LinkTree for:
✨website with FAQs and getting started resources
✨food puzzles
✨TikTok 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Want to learn more about the research study Billi and many other animals are in? Check it out here: