Inexcusable Or: Why Baldwin never should have even had so much as a blank in his firearm.

Inexcusable Or: Why Baldwin never should have even had so much as a blank in his firearm.

I t's my professional opinion and I can't let it go.
Mr. Baldwin is now publicly speaking out and recommending that police be on movie sets to provide additional safety from idiots like him who totally and recklessly ignore safety protocols.
I saw it online and am flabbergasted and enraged by it.
We cannot buy into the "prop" gun, "terrible accident" and the "Poor Alec" narrative that seems to be oozing from the muck of this totally avoidable and inexcusable tragedy.
In this video I once again explain on set protocol with both actual prop guns and real guns. We also get into why even blanks are not needed.
Enjoy... learn... don't be deceived. Mr. Baldwin is not the victim here. It was an event that should have been avoided if not for the recklessness and arrogance of the one who pulled the trigger.

John SchneiderAlicia Allainoutlaw

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