How Hot Pizza Evokes Warm Memories with Don Antonio's Giorgia Caporuscio

How Hot Pizza Evokes Warm Memories with Don Antonio's Giorgia Caporuscio

We step behind the counter with Giorgia Caporuscio, owner of Don Antonio in New York City, to talk about breaking barriers and determining the absolute best food a person can eat.

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“Maybe now that I’ve done this kind of job for 11 years, the pizza is in my blood.

Neapolitan pizza is a street food, born as a street food. Neapolitan pizza is puffy crust, longer fermentation, and a really high temperature inside the wood-fired oven.

For many years I was the only woman going to Pizza Expo. For me it was really a big thing because after that I pushed myself to show other people that women can make good pizza. I pushed myself to communicate to other women that they can do this kind of job outside the home.

Because everybody, when they think, “What is the best food you can have in your life?” It’s something that brings you to when you were a child. When your grandmother, when your mom, was cooking something. I want to give my customers the same experience that my grandmother gave to me.

I took over this location in February of 2020, and after two weeks I shut down. I talked with my team, and unfortunately I needed to have a lot of people stay home. Now, little by little, they are coming back — my previous customers before COVID. And they give us a lot of energy.

And also, because my team was the same for many years, the customers also feel like home.

My pizza, it represents me. Whenever they say to you, “Do you want to try?” Try. Never stop.”


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A 2021 winner of Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies Award, Slice partners with 17,000 independent pizzerias, forming the nation’s largest pizza network — more than double the U.S. footprint of Domino’s. Unified and backed by specialized technology, marketing tools, data insights, and shared services, Slice enables restaurants to serve digitally-minded customers and move away from 3rd party apps.

Serial tech entrepreneur Ilir Sela started Slice to modernize his family’s New York City pizzerias. Today, his company serves small businesses in 3,000 cities and all 50 states with 24/7 support and industry-low flat-rate pricing.

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