Hockey Has A Culture Problem

Hockey Has A Culture Problem

It's been a few weeks since the Blackhawks sexual abuse scandal was confirmed for all of us to be horrified at, but I wanted to take some time to collect my thoughts and let things cool down a bit. The 2010 Chicago Blackhawks will now be forever tainted in scandal, not from what they did, but in what they didn't do. They refused to do the right thing because the executive branch felt that it would distract from winning. The Blackhawks may have won the Stanley Cup, but they railroaded several players in the process (and eventually damaging a sixteen-year-old boy by refusing to acknowledge what happened). Hockey failed these men, and they did it by inaction.

It leads to one conclusion: Hockey has a culture problem, and the only thing that will fix it is bringing these atrocities to the light. This will mostly be rambling, but it's necessary rambling.

Hockey Has a Culture ProblemHockey Culture2010 Chicago Blackhawks

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