This video shows Hatch Eggs At home Without Any EGG INCUBATOR | Egg Hatching In Sunlight | Hatching without Incubator
Chicken Eggs Take 21 Days To Hatch....For Hatching Eggs In Incubator We Need To Maintain Temperature In Incubator 37°C - 39°C And Humidity 50% - 65 % .....For Better Result .Turn The Eggs Daily 3-4 Times Till First 18 Days Of Incubation....After 18 Days Stop Turning Eggs And Increase Humidity To 65% - 80% Chicks Will Comes Out Of The Eggs (Hatch) Between 19-24 Days.........All The Best....Hope You Enjoy This Video
@Restoration And Crafting
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HOW TO MAKE INCUBATOR AT HOME == https://youtu.be/W-aX7vzCync
Egg incubator without electricity