Executing The Plan (All Gael Run)

Executing The Plan (All Gael Run)

Every enemy, boss, and NPC is replaced with Gael, the final DLC boss in Dark Souls III. Planning to do all bosses (DLC included) in this run.

Donation Link (Preferred): https://streamlabs.com/challengerandy
SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/challenger-andy

VOD Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM1ieGC_Ue1BJ6uoDcxpHxqzxwjfieRwq
All VODs: https://tinyurl.com/CAPlaylists

I stream every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 6pm to 9pm PT.

Mod by: https://www.youtube.com/user/Bradguy123

Discord: https://discord.gg/dPbX63vDZf
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChallengerAndy/

~~~~~Frequently Asked Questions~~~~~

~~~GAEL-SPECIFIC (Version 3)~~~
Q: Why are you so bad at this game?
A: This is only my second time playing (sort of). I've played through half the game by myself, then once on NG guided by Trevor, and once on NG+7 with Trevor. I have virtually no memory of the game as I didn't really enjoy it too much.

Q: Is Gael all 3 phases? Why does he die and respawn?
A: This is all 3 phases. Due to the way Gael was originally coded into the game, he actually made up of 2 different models (and entity IDs) that switch during the cutscene that normally plays upon reaching phase 2. The mod being used fixes this issue by simply having phase 2 spawning after phase 1.

Q: Why aren't you saving and quitting out or using save states?
A: Quit outs allow someone to completely bypass actually doing the run at all, so I restrict myself to only using them when it's interesting or funny (see Seath Andre). Otherwise, I've already abused save states like crazy in Cemetery, so I don't plan to use anymore.

Q: So is this run just trying to run through hordes of Gaels and dying thousands of times?
A: Yeah, that's basically what these runs turn into. The routing is interesting and some interesting exploits may be used, but this is it. Tune in for me and the incredible cutscenes, not the gameplay. Also, I can't exploit arrows in this run due to the carry limits being so low.

Q: Are there any "impurities" in this run?
A: Other than what's already been mentioned, the only one that matters a tiny bit is that the Gaels that replace the respawning skeletons are phase 1 only. I really don't care that much. Everything else is either pure or made more difficult than pure (due to limitations).

Q: omg what about deacons?!?!
A: It'll likely be a lottery where I wait for them to kill each other. That's it.

Q: What are your plans for a build? You should use Hollowslayer Greatsword!
A: Plan is to keep Bandit Knife for a while because I've grown attached to it. When running through areas I want to be as tanky as I can while maintaining speed and utilize quickstepping for more I-frames. Generally, the goal is to increase my ability to survive as fast as possible, which may involve not going a very linear route. Hollowslayer Greatsword does not exist in this run due to the soul not existing (everything is Gael).

Q: Where can I get this mod?
A: This mod was handcrafted for me by Bradguy123. At my request, it will not be available until I finish the run. Once I do, I will include a link here.

~~~~~General FAQ~~~~~
Q: Why do you do this?
A: So you don't have to.

Q: No, really?
A: I like problem solving and *some* of the runs are very enjoyable. Also clout.

Q: Will this become a video?
A: Yes. Usually, the video comes out about a year after the stream (each video takes at least 100 hours to make).

Q: Will you do an all insert boss here run on Dark Souls 1, 2, or 3?
A: I plan to do every Dark Souls 1 Boss replacing all enemies runs that are supported by the mod. On DS 2 & 3, I will be doing Gael, Fume Knight and Midir Only. I have no plans for Sekiro, and Bloodborne has too many issues with modding.

Q: What music, I don't hear music?
A: http://www.tinyurl.com/CAMUSIC1. I use a separate site in order to prevent copyright.

Q: Do you stream challenge runs of games that are not FromSoftware?
A: I stream 3 different runs at a time, one of which will always be a game that is not a FromSoft game (Saturdays). On Mondays, I do a run that was selected by viewers, and on Wednesdays I typically do an All Boss Run in Dark Souls.

Q: Do you stream runs that are not challenge runs?
A: Very, very rarely.

Q: What happens when I donate?
A: First of all, thank you! When you donate, you have the ability to play on song ($1 = 5 minutes) in the Watch2Gether site. Set your username to who you donated as and send the link in the Watch2Gether chat and @me in the stream chat once you do so. It's a poor system, but it's what I got. Any unspent donations are recorded for later use. If you want to know how many song requests you have left, please @me.


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