In this video, I'm comparing EVIL SIMS in The Sims vs. The Sims 2 vs. The Sims 3 vs. The Sims 4. While we didn't have a real "evil" trait until Sims 3, it was still possible to make mean/grouchy Sims in the first two games. But once The Sims started using personality traits instead of points, Evil Sims became much more fun to play!
Which one is your favorite? Mine has to be Sims 3. Evil Sims in the third game just feel so...evil. They're so much fun to play and have a lot of autonomous and unique evil behaviors. Sims 4 has a few fun things too, but in my opinion the Evil Sims in TS4 just can't live up to The Sims 3 version.
Don't forget to leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts!
DISCLAIMER: I try my best to include all relevant information in my comparison videos - based on my own experience with the games and the information I find in Prima Guides, The Sims Wiki, and occasionally other sources. But it's certainly possible that I missed something or got something wrong unintentionally. Feel free to let me know in the comments, but there's no need to be a jerk about it. I make these videos for your entertainment - not to be the most right and correct and perfect Simmer who ever Simmed. Thank you. I love you.
00:00 - Intro
00:52 - Sims 1
01:51 - Sims 2
06:22 - Sims 3
18:33 - Sims 4
▶ Comparison Videos Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7QwYWIaBs6FJYSpjkDEgiTx6HVgm89bv
▶ Visit my website - https://pleasantsims.com/
▶ Sims 2 Recommended Mods - https://pleasantsims.com/sims-2-mods/
▶ Sims 2 Gameplay Rules - https://pleasantsims.com/pleasant-sims-rules/
▶ Sims 2 Game Guides - https://pleasantsims.com/sims-2-guides/
▶ Sims 3 Recommended Mods - https://pleasantsims.com/sims-3-mods-list/
▶ Sims 3 Gameplay Rules - https://pleasantsims.com/sims-3-gameplay-rules/
▶ Sims 3 Game Guides - https://pleasantsims.com/sims-3-guides/
▶ Sims 4 Recommended Mods - https://pleasantsims.com/sims-4-recommended-mods-list/
▶ Sims 4 Gameplay Rules - https://pleasantsims.com/sims-4-gameplay-rules/
▶ Sims 4 Game Guides - https://pleasantsims.com/sims-4-guides/
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