Creating Group Pages for Learning Through Virtual Discussion

Creating Group Pages for Learning Through Virtual Discussion

#learningthroughdiscussion #groupdiscussionsonline
Learn one of the most comprehensive instructional strategies in the world! Enroll in the LTVD Mini-Course:

In this video, you will receive some tips on how to set up group pages and session folders for the LTVD using the current Blackboard Collaborate Ultra and the old version known as Blackboard Collaborate. If your LMS has its own streaming platform, you will be able to give students access directly on your course shell. If you choose to use another streaming platform like Zoom or WebEx, setting up session folders on your course shell is a good idea. You will also learn what kind of information to provide for students who may experience technical difficulty entering the virtual classroom.

At the time of the recording, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra was not available at my university, but it is now. I have been using it since 2020 for the LTVD and it worked, wonderfully.

Are you enjoying this series? Enroll in the LTVD Mini-Course where you will also have access to me, an experienced online instructor, who has taught online since 2004 and implemented this framework for the past 13 years. and a private community of higher educators.

Learning Through Virtual Discussion is one of the most comprehensive instructional strategies in the world because it cultivates soft skills such as communication, collaboration, leadership, problem-solving, and critical thinking while deepening students' understanding and interest in course concepts. Students also learn how to evaluate themselves through individual and group processing.

The LTVD Mini-Course provides step-by-step professional development that allows you to design this student-centered experience for your online or hybrid course. It has been implemented by me, Kellie Alston, for more than 13 years and effectively promotes student success.

Do you want your students to read or view course content and really care about the information it entails? Do you want your students to grow as critical thinkers? Do you want your students to discuss their perspectives and interpretations of what they have read or viewed with zeal? Then, it is time to learn how to facilitate the LTVD Framework. It is a strategy that creates learning commanders over time and allows you to become a better facilitator through observation and meaningful feedback.

Enroll in the course today and choose the payment plan that fits your budget:

In this mini-course, you will learn--

What each of the 8 steps entails and how they enhance your students' higher-order thinking skills when implemented over time

How this process creates a framework that allows you to facilitate (and not control) your student's learning

How to train students on how to successfully prepare and implement the process

How to create thematic units based on student learning outcomes.

How to prepare for the pitfalls of synchronous (live) discussion so that they are less likely to occur

And... so much more!

Most importantly, you will walk away with an action plan that includes the specific steps for setting up your course around this systematic framework that your students "run" each and every time they get together in the virtual classroom. You will become a better facilitator, coach, and guide for your students with a strong educator presence and your students will LOVE your course. They will walk away from your course fulfilled and even shocked by how much they have learned by the end.

Work at your own pace and within your own timeframe when you enroll. There is absolutely no fluff--just practical steps and strategy.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side.

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student centered learningstudent centeredgroup discussions

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