COVID-19: Experts Speak On New Omicron Variant, Say 'Priority Is To Administer Second Vaccine Dose'

COVID-19: Experts Speak On New Omicron Variant, Say 'Priority Is To Administer Second Vaccine Dose'

#IndiaOnOmicronAlert #COVID #COVID19 #RepublicTV

The Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Consortia (INSACOG) is actively monitoring the novel coronavirus variant B.1.1.529, and is also researching the genomic sequence of the same. The variant is yet to be found in India, according to officials. On November 24, the World Health Organization (WHO) received the first report of the new, potentially more contagious strain from South Africa. Botswana, Belgium, Hong Kong, and Israel are among the countries where it has been discovered. The WHO named it on the greek alphabet 'Omicron' and identified it as a 'Variant of Concern' on Friday.

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