What's Happened To WoW's Lore? A Breakdown Of WHY It Feels Alienating

What's Happened To WoW's Lore? A Breakdown Of WHY It Feels Alienating

Who does Azeroth, and the lore, belong to? Is it Bobby? Ion? The writing team? Or does it actually belong to us, the players?
This is an important conversation for us to have. How has the lore changed, and... why?
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0:00 Intro
2:45 Retcon Or Reframing? It Doesn't Matter
5:25 The Race To Endgame: Mystery Isn't A Story
11:34 Speculation Is Fun But It's Gone Too Far
14:36 They're Doing Elune Dirty
17:45 Metaphysics
21:23 It's In HOW You Tell The Story
30:15 Why We Hate Sylvanas So Much
35:20 All The Wasted Characters
38:46 Home

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