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Donald Trump has been pushing, promoting, and endorsing Republican candidates to primary the incumbents who voted to impeach him earlier this year, and so far things are not going the way that Trump had wanted. These candidates are struggling to gain any ground in the polling, and this means that they are lagging way behind in fundraising. Republicans need to take notice of what is happening and use it to purge Trump from their party, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains.
Link - https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-backed-challengers-republican-lawmakers-lag-fundraising-2021-10-16/
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Donald Trump's set out to get his revenge this year ahead of the 2022 midterms. So what he's been doing and what his allies have been doing is they have targeted all of these Republicans in the house of representatives who voted to impeach Donald Trump earlier this year. You know, ignoring the fact that by the way, the first impeachment, they all totally supported the president this past. When though regarding the January 6th insurrection, they couldn't let that go. So several of them did vote to impeach him in the house and Trump wants these individuals to pay. So again, he and his allies have gone out. They've handpicked their selections to challenge these never Trump Republicans in their primaries. And recent reports are telling us that these handpicked Trump endorsed candidates are really doing terribly right now. They're absolutely not gaining any traction with the voters. And of course, that doesn't bode well for their primary challenges against these Republican incumbents.
So here's what's happening, uh, at least six of these candidates that Donald Trump has picked two primary, never Trump Republicans are running out of money. Some of them are unable to really get any kind of fundraising apparatus off the ground. And of course their polling numbers are basically non-existent at this point, uh, against these Republican incumbents. And what this tells me is that even though the Republican party itself still continues to bow down to Donald Trump, they're worried about offending him. They're worried about making a man out there, actually in America, you know, where the voters live, they don't care. They actually do not care what Donald Trump says. They do not care who he endorses. They're going to go with the person they like, regardless of Donald Trump's influence one way or another. And that folks is the real show that Trump has no power. And I've been saying this for months and months and months now, but Donald Trump has no real hold over the Republican party voters here in the United States.
Now again, the leadership and the members of Congress still liked to pretend that Donald Trump is the top dog and they're doing it to their own detriment because out there in the real world, the voters don't give a, the voters don't care who Donald Trump has picked. They don't care who he's endorsed. In fact, as reports have shown, if you get an endorsement from Donald Trump, you're actually less likely to win your election at that point. So maybe that's what this is. Maybe the public at large hates Donald Trump just as much as they did a year ago. And if so, that could be a very big gift for the democratic party. If they choose to use it correctly, which watching what's happening with the democratic party right now, I have no faith in them whatsoever to use this information, this knowledge to their advantage, because they can't even get all their own ducks in a row.
So I don't think they're going to Mount any kind of meaningful, uh, you know, attacks on Republicans ahead of the midterms because they're in such disarray as it is, but either way, Donald Trump made his selections and the public says we don't care.