(TA3.03) Partnering to deliver data for invisible groups to ensure that no one is left behind: practical lessons to build inclusive data systems that give voice to communities
Organiser(s): Development Initiatives; Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS)
The SDGs set an ambitious agenda for change. They are universal – a challenge to all countries – and apply to subnational districts, cities, the public sector, business and civil society. The principle to ‘leave no one behind’ is the central, transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda. It compels us not only to transform the lives of those who are the furthest behind but also to fight discrimination and the root causes of inequality within and among countries. Last year the pathway to achieving the SDGs fundamentally changed, the coronavirus pandemic was and continues to be the biggest global health and economic challenge in recent history. We will need resilient data systems that form the foundation of inclusive, robust, and trustworthy national statistics systems. Even if we do not have the data we need right now, the impact of the pandemic is going to be felt for many years – so making this a priority will still have a huge benefit. This requires a different way of thinking and an innovative approach to improving data and evidence – one based on collecting and analysing disaggregated data from all sources, that looks at people, not averages, to understand the characteristics of those groups and individuals who are at risk of being left behind. To achieve this, we need leaders with long-term vision and new innovative partnerships that embed human rights-based approaches and respond to local needs. We need to move beyond a ‘one size fits all’ model to a society where rights holders can hold duty bearers to account and where we are locally led but globally connected. This session will provide concrete examples, learning and recommendations on how to operationalize the commitment to leave no one behind. We will bring together senior visionary leaders with local government service providers, data producers from both official and non-official sphere and representatives from communities at risk of being left behind to show how partnerships can deliver the information and evidence we need to ensure that everyone counts, and all voices are heard.