Keramas was doing its thing the other day, and a large number of people turned up for a piece of Bali’s best right-hander. And with plenty of great surfers, it was one of the more competitive lineups we’ve seen in a while.
At the top of the pile was local surfer Tonyo. He was able to snag himself the wave of the day - (opening scene) – threading it perfectly for a long deep tube. And with a good tide and light winds, it pumped right through until lunchtime.
0:00 Tonyo: https://www.instagram.com/darmaputratonjo/
1:11 Blerong: https://www.instagram.com/darmayasaronk/
1:40 Miki Mosol: https://www.instagram.com/mikimosol/
2:04 Lempog Jackson: https://www.instagram.com/lempogjackson/
2:45 Dedi Santosa: https://www.instagram.com/dedisantosa_/
3:37 Juliartha: https://www.instagram.com/arthajuly/
2:40 Corox: https://www.instagram.com/corok_zombiekillerr/
4:54 Tonyo
5:30 Betet Merta: https://www.instagram.com/betetmerta/
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#SurfingBali #Keramas #SurfingIndonesia