How to make DIY giant foam pumpkins and Halloween jack o lanterns. We try and answer questions of how we make these large DIY Halloween props. Were to get large blocks of foam. How to cut foam and which hand tools and foam cutting equipment we use. How to hard coat foam and make foam props hard and protected. Which kind foams we use and the steps we take to create these large Styrofoam sculptures. What sizes and shapes we try and make and how to sculpt them. Tips on containing the foam bead mess as well as several different materials you can use to coat the foam. How to carve heirloom style pumpkins and whimsical stems. How do we paint the large pumpkins and pumpkin stems. We have been posting several videos of us making these Halloween decorations over the years. Since there are so many videos with different steps and information we thought we'd help make it easier by combining clips into one episode. Kind of like an ultimate source of how we make these giant foam props. Please be sure and leave us any questions or other ideas we could do. We appreciate our time and ask you to consider sharing, giving a thumbs up, and subscribe to the channel.
Places to get large blocks of foam and high density yellow balsa foam
Foam Mart https://foammart.com/
Haunter's Foam https://hauntersfoam.com/product-category/foam/
Atlas Foam https://www.atlasfoam.com/
Victory Foam https://victoryfoam.com/
Dero Foam / DeRouchey Foam https://derofoam.com/
Advanced Foam https://www.advancedfoam.com/
Home depot and Lowes for 2" thick foam insulation sheets
Tractor Supply Company for free blocks of foam you can glue together
Check Craigslist, Facebook Market Place, offerup.com for free foam
Call insulations contractors for heating and cooling to ask where to get large pieces of foam in your local area.
Hot Wire Foam Factory Cutters and Foam Coat https://hotwirefoamfactory.com/
Sculpting Tool https://amzn.to/3BsLszA
Foam cutters and tools we use for sculpting and gluing foam together
Long Hand Saw https://amzn.to/3Alsj1b
Curry Comb https://amzn.to/3oN7tpm
Riffler Rasp Set https://amzn.to/3lmynlI
Makita 5-Inch Disc Sander https://amzn.to/3DtgQhI
Loctite TITE FOAM Expanding Foam https://amzn.to/3am5Hmr
Great Stuff Pro 14 Foam Dispensing Gun https://amzn.to/3AoC5PR
Great Stuff PRO Dispensing Gun Cleaner https://amzn.to/3uUr5IW
GREAT STUFF PRO Window & Door https://amzn.to/3AqQxa8
Materials we use to hard coat foam DIY props and decorations
Foam props and sculpture hard coating options and ideas
FlexBond 50 lb. White or Grey Crack Prevention Mortar
Aqua Resin, Monster Mud, Paint, Plaster, Drywall Compound, or Mod Podge, Fiberglass, Foam Safe Resins, Epoxies, Mortar
We used BRHR exterior primer and paint
Helmsman Spar Urethane https://amzn.to/3iLqvsf
Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Be sure to check out Kara and consider subscribing to her channel.
Kara Walker Designs
How to make a Giant Jack -O- Lantern / Pumpkin out of foam
Playlist with older videos on making DIY Pumpkins
Making Giant Halloween Pumpkins - DIY Large Craft Pumpkins
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Make a Large Halloween Jack O Lantern and DIY Giant Foam Pumpkin