How to Convey Confidence in the Treatment Room in Spanish
This is for chiropractic students, chiropractors or independent medical professionals (outside of a hospital). This video goes over one of the most common phrases I use to convey certainty to patients in spanish.
"Eso es lo que esperaba." ---- "That's what I expected"
I love to use this phrase when patients tell me:
1. Doc, I am feeling much better.
2. Doc, I feel worse than before.
3. Doc, I don't feel any change.
I use this to show patients that I'm confident with the care that they are receiving and that I know what I'm doing. Let's be honest though, we all know that most of communication is non-verbal. So if you as a healthcare professional are going to demonstrate confidence, you have to feel it within first. After you can do that, now you just need this phrase to top it off and there you go! Now you got the whole package!
Now of course this phrase is used when I actually believe in the expectation. There have been times where I've adjusted people for a certain length of time and have told them expectations for how their progress would be. When this happens, I have another script I use that talks about the limitations of chiropractic and that I'm doing everything in my power to make them better.