Flaxseed oil, fibers and flax lignans have potential health benefits such as in reduction of cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, autoimmune and flaxseed oil may benefit NAFLD patients to improve fatty liver grade, weight and IL-6 compared with sunflower oil.
Chemical Compound:
Flaxseed accumulates many biologically active compounds and elements including
• linolenic acid
• linoleic acid
• lignans, cyclic peptides
• polysaccharides
• alkaloids
• cyanogenic glycosides
• cadmium.
Most biological and clinical studies of flaxseed have focused on extracts containing α-linolenic acid or lignan.
Mechanism of action in various diseases:
Flaxseed is a rich source of the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha linolenic acid, the lignan secoisolariciresinol diglucoside and fiber. These compounds provide bioactivity of value to the health of animals and humans through their anti-inflammatory action, anti-oxidative capacity and lipid modulating properties.
Benefits in liver disease:
Flaxseeds are a good source of essential fatty acids and antioxidants, and their consumption is associated with many health benefits, including the safeguarding of liver health.
Overall, the results showed that in the context of a low-energy diet and moderate physical activity, flaxseed oil may benefit NAFLD patients to improve fatty liver grade, weight and IL-6 compared with sunflower oil.
Research conducted on 30 men found that those receiving flaxseed lignan capsules effectively reduced their liver disease risk factors. They concluded that a 100 mg supplementation could be beneficial.
Adverse effect of over uses
Flaxseeds are rich in dietary fibre, but a sudden increase in consumption can increase the number of bowel movements. You may also experience stomach ache, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating
Tips for Adding Flax Seeds to Your Diet
Many impressive health benefits are attributed to consuming flax seeds.
Here are some tips on how you can add these tiny seeds into your diet.
• Consume Ground Seeds Rather Than Whole
• Opt for ground flax seeds, as they are easier to digest.
• You won’t reap as many benefits from whole flax seeds, as your intestines cannot break down the tough outer shell of the seeds.
• That being said, you can still buy whole flax seeds, grind them in a coffee grinder and store the ground flax seeds in an airtight container.
About Flaxseed Oil?
The resurgence of the use of flaxseed oil is due to its nutritional properties and health benefits.
It’s usually extracted by a process called cold pressing.
Given that oil is sensitive to heat and light, it’s best kept in dark glass bottles and stored in a dark, cool place like a kitchen cabinet.
How Much Do You Need?
The health benefits noted in the studies above were observed with just 1 tablespoon (10 grams) of ground flax seeds per day.
However, it’s recommended to keep serving sizes to less than 5 tablespoons (50 grams) of flax seeds per day.
The Bottom Line
When it comes to nutritional goodness, flax seeds are full of it.
Though tiny, they are rich in the omega-3 fatty acid ALA, lignans and fiber, all of which have been shown to have many potential health benefits.
As a versatile food ingredient, flax seeds or flaxseed oil are easy to add to your diet.
With many proven health benefits and possibly more, there’s no better time than now to grab some flax seeds from your local grocery store.
You can watch our previous video: https://youtu.be/IeCaXnHDNxg
The language used in this video is #Hindi.
Visit website: https://thelivertransplant.com/
About Dr.Bipin Vibhute and this channel:
Dr. Bipin Vibhute is the program director of the Center for Organ Transplants, Sahyadri Hospitals ( Pune, Nashik & Karad ). He is famous for his outstanding surgical skills, great patient rapport, down-to-earth nature, and infectious smile.
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