Vietnam is gradually going to the new normal with Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi decided to ease many strict social distancing restrictions. Specifically, Ho Chi Minh City plans to drop travel permits, remove fences and barriers by September 30, while Hanoi reopened many services and outdoor activities. In this episode of Vietnam Weekly News, we also give you updates on Vietnam vaccine passport implementation and life at 3 green zones in Ho Chi Minh city, which are district 7, Cu Chi, and Can Gio districts.
0:00 Introduction
1:33 Saigon To Drop Travel Permit & Remove All Barricades
4:41 The New Normal in District 7, Ho Chi Minh city
6:31 The New Normal in Cu Chi District
7:02 The New Normal in Can Gio District
8:02 The Ease in Restrictions in Hanoi
9:23 Conclusion
This video was filmed in district 9, Ho Chi Minh city.
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