Goldbach conjecture is proven absolutely, indisputably TRUE. #Goldbachconjecture #3b1b #SoME1

Goldbach conjecture is proven absolutely, indisputably TRUE. #Goldbachconjecture #3b1b #SoME1

For anyone thinking this is NOT an absolute proof here is the proof in a nutshell. In music a note can be made louder the more aplification is added but adding more amplification doesn't change the note it just changes the volume. With the primes x/lnx is the note limiting the distribution frequency of the primes, no matter low large the volume of primes. The only thing that changes the note is the frequency but we know the frequency doesnt change x/lnx becomes closer to a pure note the higher the volume. If you can put that note analogy into a mathematical equation you will have the proof to the Goldbach conjecture which mathematicians seem to be needing to pull them out of their OCD obsession with everything having to be written in mathematical terms because they certainly can't see the common sense explained in English. if anyone does be sure to tell everyone who gave you the proof to translate into maths.

Full Theory of Everything with the inequality that solves the double slit experiment and opens the Grand Unified Field Theory of Everything in the very 1st paragraph


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