God of War PC vs PS5 Early Graphics Comparison

God of War PC vs PS5 Early Graphics Comparison

PC version of God of War was just announced confirming previous leaks.
Not, this seems to be a great way to encourage PC players to get PlayStation 5 wen God of War Ragnarok arrives.
But how does the PC version of this cult PS4 / PS5 game looks in comparison to its original captured on PS5?
Here's God of War PC vs PS5 Early Graphics Comparison.

DISCLAIMER - Why PS5 30 FPS video.
I used my own gameplay footage which I uploaded to my channel. You may find it in Playlist section on my channel of course.

Now, it seems that YT has updated its encoding algorythm recently therefore the program I usually use struggles with downloading the larger videos from YouTube and it outputs only 4K 30 fps. To provide you Guys the video as quick as possible I decided to use it, since this is an "Early Graphics Comparison", which shouldn't be considered as final, and only as a headsup for upcoming proper video and general idea behind na "Early" comparison is to give a brief look on what to expect from new version of the game.
Please note, due large size of 4K gameplay videos I'm unable to store every gameplay I capture, so that's why I upload videos in 4K to be able to use them later in videos such as this one.

PC Gameplay 00:00
PS5 Gameplay 00:55
Side-by-Side 01:50
Still Frames 02:42

Deception by David Tardy
Gothic Storm Music

Source video:
God of War – Announce Trailer | PC

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