Beware! That loan call will clean up your bank account
This video is only for fraud awareness and cyber security education purposes.
if you get a call from an overzealous ‘financial executive’, congratulating you for a ‘pre-approved’ personal loan of Rs 5 lakh, beware. It could well be a fraudster on the prowl, trying to siphon off the big bucks from your bank account.
Similar case happened with a 30-year-old private employee lost about Rs 70,000 to a similar scam. In this instance, the tele-caller from a fake private finance company, convinced him to avail of the loan, by paying a processing charge and an application fee.
“With not many people falling into the one-time-password trap anymore, fraudsters have found this new way of cheating people. Sometimes, to make the call the call sound genuine, they give details about the victim’s other loans. The fraudsters either ask for their bank account details or ask them to transfer money to different accounts stating various refundable charges,”
Hyderabad News - Times of India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/hyderabad/beware-that-loan-call-will-clean-up-your-bank-account/articleshow/68896496.cms