Accident Facts - Two Sides, The Facts and then the Lies told by Ralph Billington

Accident Facts - Two Sides, The Facts and then the Lies told by Ralph Billington

Ralph Billington crashed his airplane. He has not been able to come to terms with his own pilot errors and is now on an internet rampage to blame everyone but himself. The only way you will get a clear view of this soap opera is by first watching his crazy video where he explains his near death experiences, then view our rebuttal video that is composed from real footage at the scene.

Ralph Billington, in an effort to try and blame his bad and limited pilot skills has posted videos in the aviation community incredibly dramatized.

This is the rebuttal to that, so people are very aware of the facts in hand, and do not get scared, not only from our hobby based on MANY MANY wrong decisions of a pilot. A few links below will also have information.

Detailed and scientific and repeats to attempt claims on this Facebook page

The was discussed extensively by 100's of pilots clearly the stating how the story had been spun in a ridiculous manner on other groups as well such as Zenith Flyers Facebook group.

We unfortunately, were middle men in this aircraft sale, as it was not ours, and now are defending based purely on factual information.

If you listen throughout this video you will notice the multitude of lies, based on his very own statements.

Worth mentioning he states insurance concluded their finding - I spoke with his carrier stating they didn't even know of the crash.

and everything else in ongoing.

A few statements in regards to the videos he posted, and his Facebook link (he wants Youtube vies so I don't want to direct there)

It is a private group so you would have to join...


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