UPDATE Been A Year Since I Found Out My Wife Was Cheating On me w/ Her Cousin.. SURVIVING INFIDELITY

UPDATE Been A Year Since I Found Out My Wife Was Cheating On me w/ Her Cousin.. SURVIVING INFIDELITY

Alright it's a long one, so bear with me. this situation happened about two weeks ago and I've gone from fully trusting her, to deeply doubting her. My wife and I met when I was 19 and we fell in love quite quickly. She had a 4-month-old child from a previous relationship, and that father hasn't been in the picture since I've known her. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a father, but I have a genetic disorder I don't wish to pass on, so adoption was just great with me. Anyhow we've been just like your normal family every day since then, and we got married last year.

She was never super close with her family, but she did have a pair of cousins she was always kind of close too, and I had lots of fun getting to know them and they seem like decent people. She did mention that 1 of them, Max we'll call him, had when they were like 12 and 13 tried to kiss her but she ran off. I asked her if she ever told anyone, and she said she chalked it up to him being a stupid kid. We see him on Christmas every year and he seems like a normal dude. I actually liked him, as her family is a bunch of stuffed shirts and he's down to Earth.

Recently they've reconnected and gone to a few family functions. We own one car and since I needed it for work, he picked her up and drove her to these things. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary about this, they are cousins after all. Her behavior really didn't make any obvious changes, however randomly as I was watching TV one night, she came in and I mentioned that I had friended a girl from my place of work. I accepted a friend request.

We're a pretty open couple and things don't usually offend us. For instance, she'll remark on an attractive guy and make some sort of lewd remark, and I think nothing of telling her this woman was the new coworker. She didn't accuse me of cheating, but it felt like she was about to which has never happened before. The reason I mention this is because I've read cheater accuse their partner as a projection or something.

Anyway, these family outings were legit, the whole family posts pics on them on Facebook and the wife sends pics from the outings. There were two of these events, and each time wife came home and was like a robot. Intimate life seemed normal if not quieter than usual, but as she suffers from depression, she often gets cold every so often, and when I asked her if she was doing alright, she chalked it up to that.

Well, two weeks ago she leaves for work, and as it was my day off I puttered around the house, dropped the boy off at school and came home to check my email. On Facebook, I saw that I had a message from her cousin. He and I had recently discussed going out to see a farm team baseball game, and I thought he was getting back to me. The message reads "I'd like to see you on your knees."

1 year update to I (26M) thinks my wife (25f) is or was cheating on me with her cousin.


CO.AG Music : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIknJmd1qvQ&ab_channel=CO.AGMusic For the background music
#Cheating #RedditUpdates #SurvivingInfidelity


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