I'm not at the beach this is a BATHTUB! | Genshin Impact Animatic

I'm not at the beach this is a BATHTUB! | Genshin Impact Animatic

This is probably the strangest way of announcing I got into Genshin Impact.

Featuring Childe/Tartaglia and Zhongli reenacting the classic scene: "I'm not at the beach this is a bathtub".

Also! The audio is by soupeaterwill: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRnYBbDK/
Go check em out, they do great impressions!

Anyway yeah, I've gotten into Genshin Impact lately. That doesnt mean the dream smp/mcyt animatics are over, it just means I'm going to sprinkle in genshin impact ones here and there too! Hope you guys stick around, I've noticed with my last few videos I posted I've actually been losing subscribers, so that's been a little disheartening, but I'm gonna keep putting out content that I love! And I hope you guys like it too.

Having said that, enjoy this dumb childe/zhongli animatic!


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