I Froze Her Backyard with 10 TONS of SNOW!!

I Froze Her Backyard with 10 TONS of SNOW!!

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Carter Sharer and Team RAR just did the Most Haunted Attic Challenge (https://youtu.be/2f81DVLLmvU) As you know, Carder Sharer and Lizzy Capri broke up during the Last to Leave School Bus video. And ever since then, Carer has been thinking of the best way to get back together with Liz. Since Liz loved coming home from Hawaii to a BEACH in her home, today Carter decided to surprise her and Deniesse when they came home from Alaska by putting 10 TONS OF REAL SNOW in her back yard!! That's right, Alaska comes to Los Angeles with a real sledding hill, snow on a trampoline, snow balls, and snow man Bob!! What do you think we should name him?? Bailey, Elena, Matt Braeden and even @Hunter Kowald helped freeze Liz's back yard, but nobody was expecting the surprise: FROZEN POOL with dry ice!! Do you think it was enough to win Liz over?? Do you think they are officially dating again? There's a secret hashtag at the end of the video, comment with it below!!


@Dangie Bros Last to Survive the FREEZING Forest Wins! *EXTREME COLD CHALLENGE* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBH19dEshBk
@Unspeakable FILLING MY ENTIRE HOUSE WITH SNOW... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vUyFekkDTo
@Stokes Twins FILLING MY ENTIRE HOUSE WITH PACKING PEANUTS!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1l9I1EgMb4
@Lizzy Capri WE OPENED a REAL STARBUCKS!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mekWfv83dA

📷INSTAGRAM → @CarterSharer https://www.instagram.com/cartersharer/
📷INSTAGRAM → @OfficalTeamRAR https://www.instagram.com/officialteamrar/
📷INSTAGRAM → @LizzyCapri https://www.instagram.com/lizzycapri/

Subscribe to my channel! https://goo.gl/XjjCA8
Business Inquiries: carter@nightmedia.co

This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

This footage is property of Team RAR inc. and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Team RAR inc. For any requests from media contact us at carter@nightmedia.co


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