In English, we use "must" and "have to" to Ought to. Express a strong rule or law. In this grammar lesson, I will teach you about the modal verbs "must" and "have to" .
Ought to’ is a modal auxiliary verb and its meaning changes depending on how it is used in a sentence.
• Example: You ought to go to the gym more. ( a strong recommendation/advice)
• Example: She ought to receive an answer by next week. (Probability)
• Example: You ought to be a good Indian. (something expected to happen)
In the past, it is used with ‘have + a past participle verb’. It means something that should have happened, didn’t happen in the past.
• Example: You ought to have protected the environment. (you should have protected it, but you didn’t do your duty)
In the negative, ‘ought not’ is used without ‘to’.
• Example: You ought not be a liar.
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