Born on 21-02-2018 from Pudukkottai, Tamilnadu, India.He has created a new world record Reciting
Indian states and capitals-28,Union territories and their capitals,chess coin names and their placements,Jigsaw puzzles -8,Thirukkural-18,national leaders-22,national symbols-14,parts of the body-26,opposites-21,Animals-55,Fruits -36,Birds-26,Vegetables -25,Flowers-11,Insects-12,Vehicles-12,Foods-15,community helpers -17,colors-11,shapes-8,
Gk about india.He set a new World record dated 23-07-2021.This achievement is registered in Kalam's World Records.
For more information contact :
+91 9884937383
+91 8939083132
+91 7845560147
Email: kalamsworldrecords@gmail.com
Website | http://www.kalamsworldrecords.com/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/kwr.kwr.129/
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Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/kalams_worl...
Twitter | https://twitter.com/K_B_O_R?s=01%E2%8......
Kalam’s World Records Started with the main aim of upbringing talents from every corner, Our Kalam’s world records got their first to publish in 2018. It documents the unique talent of individuals or groups from different countries and thereby setting a benchmark for the achievements in every field accomplishment.
To all the people out there with a talent to showcase the world and need a sense of achievement, kalam’s world records are here to motivate and help you achieve laurels.
In collaboration with various leading global brands and companies in the business, we create record-breaking campaigns to engage the audience with unforgettable moments of absolute happiness and amazement, that delivering the core result.
#KalamsWorldRecords #geniuskid #saiaarush