Editing a Volcano photo Step by Step with Photoshop | QE #356

Editing a Volcano photo Step by Step with Photoshop | QE #356

In this quickedit Video I‘m editing a photo of an erupting volcano using #Adobe #Photoshop

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0:00 Intro
For this shot my goal was to slightly brighten up the shadows while keeping the warmth of the image and also adding more structure to the cloud above the volcano. To edit this photo, I used the camera raw editor and a bit of Photoshop

0:26 1. Basic Adjustments
I started by changing the profile to Adobe Landscape and slightly adjusting the white balance. To brighten up the photo I added exposure while dropping the highlights

1:55 2. Local Adjustments
Using a graduated filter on the foreground I recovered details from the shadows by increasing the exposure. Then, I added a radial filter over the upper part of the cloud to add texture, contrast and clarity which gives the area more detail.

4:31 3. Color Grading
In the hue panel, I slightly dropped the red hue, while increasing the purple and magenta hue. For the saturation, I dropped the reds, orange and greens, while boosting yellow and blue a bit. With some split toning I added a warm tone to the mid tones of the image.

6:40 4. Photoshop
With the spot healing brush I got rid of a few people in the foreground. Then, I used the tk panel plug in to apply some dodging to the foreground

photographyphotoshop tutoriallightroom tutorial

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