"Did the Aged Care Royal Commission provide a blueprint to fix Australia's aged care system? If not, what else needs to happen?"
Professor Kathy Eagar
Director, Australian Health Services Research Institute, University of Wollongong
Timing Marks
00:00:00 Welcome and Introduction: Professor John Aitken, FRSN FAA FAHMS, Chair, Hunter Branch, Royal Society of NSW
00:04:46 Presentation: Professor Kathy Eagar, University of Wollongong
00:36:19 Panel and Q&A ession: moderated by Professor Steven Weller and including Dr Max Thorpe, Ms Marie Coleman AO, and Professor Kathy Eagar
00:55:58 Vote of Thanks: Professor John Aitken, Royal Society of NSW
As our population shrinks and ages, the provision of a safe effective system of aged care is an immediate priority for both our Government and our society. The need for reform within the sector has clearly been highlighted by the recent COVID-19 pandemic as well as The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety's final report. The latter laid out an extensive plan to overhaul Australia's aged care sector outlining 148 recommendations for improvement. The report calls for a new system underpinned by a rights-based Act, a funding model based on need, and much stronger regulation and transparency. The problems facing the aged care sector are only going to increase in intensity in the future. So what needs to be done?